(SAP SGK Integration)

It may take more time than necessary for your employees to perform the SGK transactions that your company is responsible for during the entry and exit processes and to follow up this process, depending on the excess number of personnel.

With the e-SGK solution, you can automatically transfer the personnel recruitment, exit and transfer processes and the e-Bildirge file via SAP to the SGK website, so that the processes run smoothly and quickly. With this integration, you can define SGK workplace user and password information in your SAP system. In this way, you can quickly complete your transactions without the need for an additional login and information entry.

Automatic Login

It gives you the practicality of being able to automatically log in to pages associated with SGK.



It provides easy data transfer via SAP during the entry or exit process of personnel to work.

Manual Confirmation

It provides the ability to perform manual verification through the program.